I am a sahm who home schools and volunteers to do too many things at once. My fault entirely. It has proven to be difficult to have an online shop while raising and teaching my children. I have dreamed of opening an antique store the entire time I have bought and sold things online. I started before my 5 year old was even thought of. Soooo! I have decided that if I do not have much time to list my items on Etsy I should open a booth at an antique mall. Having a place to physically place my items for sale without having to do so much to get the items to where people are able to find and purchase them. I am very excited about this, and I hope that it does well enough for me to be able to keep shopping and pay my niece to come play with the kids while I shop... alone. Anything over that is just icing on the cake! :)
Having said that, of course I have been out shopping for my booth. My living room is a disaster! I have to choose my booth quickly and get my items in it so that I can clean up my house again. I have been dying to show y'all some of my most recent finds so I hope y'all enjoy. :)

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